foto: Bob van Dantzig
Harry de Wit
Harry de Wit (23 July 1952) is a Dutch composer of experimental music and designer of electro-acoustic installations.
De Wit collaborates with many different disciplines like modern dance, contemporary theatre and film. Next to his collaborative projects, he also creates autonomous work, mostly consisting of sound-installations. For more information on his work in different areas, check the different sections above.
In 2005 he has won an oeuvre prize, the ‘Prosceniumprijs’, for a considerable contribution to Dutch theatre and in 2006 he won The prize of the Dutch Dance Festival in Maastricht. In 2018 he was awarded with a Golden Calf - the most prestigious accolade within the Dutch audiovisual sector - for his music in Nanouk Leopold’s Cobain.
© Jan Versweyveld