foto: Bob van Dantzig

Harry de Wit

Harry de Wit (23 July 1952) is a Dutch composer of experimental music and designer of electro-acoustic installations.

De Wit collaborates with many different disciplines like modern dance, contemporary theatre and film. Next to his collaborative projects, he also creates autonomous work, mostly consisting of sound-installations. For more information on his work in different areas, check the different sections above.

In 2005 he has won an oeuvre prize, the ‘Prosceniumprijs’, for a considerable contribution to Dutch theatre and in 2006 he won The prize of the Dutch Dance Festival in Maastricht. In 2018 he was awarded with a Golden Calf - the most prestigious accolade within the Dutch audiovisual sector - for his music in Nanouk Leopold’s Cobain.

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© Jan Versweyveld


Singing Strings Project: Luthéal piano - March 2024

Short video shot by Peter Lataster at Evert Snel's piano workshop in Werkhoven. Recordings of the luthéal will be used for an upcoming documentary by Peter and Petra Lataster.

Ident VPRO

Claudy Jongstra

Trailer IDFA 2022

Louis Hothothot



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